Friday, 4 March 2016

World Book Day in Year 3

World Book Day came to Chilcote and the year 3 staff dressed up in a Roald Dahl theme for the day. The children of year 3 dressed up in a range of different costumes and a big thank you parents, for your support with the day!

Firstly, the children had a whole-school assembly with a guest speaker, Serena Arthur, who is Birmingham's Young Poet Laureate. The school council asked her some pertinent questions. The children learnt a lot from this experience and were inspired to write their own poems in the afternoon.

Secondly, the children took part in a circle time where they showed each other their costumes. Then, they explained who they were and why they choose their character. Also, they explained what their favorite book was and why they liked it.

Next, year 3 watched a performance of the poem 'The Owl and the Pussycat', which was brilliant! As it showed the children the importance of expression. Then Mr Fay and Miss Norris performed the poem to show how gesture, tone and humor could be used.

Then, the children had 2 lines to learn and then recite in a class performance,
Finally, the children swapped with year 4 and performed their poems to the children in 3 Beech. Year 4 showed us their  poem 'Chocolate Cake' by Micheal Rosen, and they performed 1.1 with the students in Year 3 for a personal performance. Thank you year 4 and well done on your fantastic performance!

In the afternoon the children entered into The World Book Day competition by writing a book review and other children created a shape poem in the style of the 'Owl and the Pussycat'.

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