Thursday, 27 February 2014

Our Science Lab and Animals in Hands

We have had a busy week in Nursery in our new science lab role play!  We have dressed up in science coats and goggles and explored different textures, colours and light.  On Wednesday we were treated to a visit by the "Animal man" who showed us his mini-beast friends!  We were very brave, and lots of us held the snail, stick insect, millipede, hermit crab and tarantula! We also had time to stroke the snake and the rabbit!  Next week we are looking forward to preparing for our trip to the Think Tank.  We will be making predictions using our senses, about what we will see, hear, smell and touch.


  1. Nursery looked like they were having fun. I hope the animal man comes to year 4 because I would really LOVE to hold the Rabbit. I like fluffy things but not so sure about the insects. Grace 4 lime

  2. Wow! Nursery you are courageous I remember doing that as well you look more braver than year 4.|Roberta|4 lime|
