Friday 13 February 2015

Safer Internet Day in Year 1

On Safer Internet Day we learned to be SMART.  This helps us to remember the rules about staying safe when we are using the internet.
S - Safe, never give out your personal information
M - Meeting, never meet up with internet pals, 
or if you must, take an adult with you.
A - Accepting - delete emails from people you don't know.
R - Reliable. People on the internet may not be who they say they are.
T - Tell. Always tell your Mum, Dad or a trusted 
adult if you are worried or nervous.

We made a graph showing us our favourite web sites and we made a poster to take home so that all of our family will be able to use the internet safely.

1 comment:

  1. i just can't believe I am on the school blog by paul
