Friday 7 July 2017


This week, all Year 5 children have brought in wonderful, delicious and terrific treats! These delightful desserts have been made by the pupils, who have put in a lot of effort. Experimenting, they used one recipe from their original choices to make their own delicious treat. Also, all of the students were lucky because they got to try lots of cakes and give feedback on at least five scrumptious puddings! 

All of this baking at home has supported our DT project, called 'Bake It'.  In this topic we have been tasting different breads and describing their appearance, texture, smell and taste (we also gave a score out of five). Later we will draw diagrams, list resources and write instructions, as part of our project.

This topic is one of the best the children have ever had! And in two weeks we get to bake bread in school, as part of Health Week!

Please encourage your children to cook and bake!

From Maryam!

PS: Please look below at some of the fab bakes!!

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